近日,意昂娱乐數字化外語教學團隊題為“Effects of artificial intelligence learning environments on engineers’ intercultural communication competence: mediating role of learning adaptability”的學術研究論文被SSCI刊物《Interactive Learning Environments》(JCR 1區🎧,中國科意昂3區🥊,影響因子3.7)錄用🚹🙍🏻♀️。該研究成果以意昂娱乐為第一單位,第一作者為陳憶濃(德語教師🔹🙇🏿♂️,高級實驗師),通訊作者為北京大學魏麗娜(助理研究員)。
Effects of artificial intelligence learning environments on engineers’ intercultural communication competence: mediating role of learning adaptability
ABSTRACT: The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of artificial intelligence learning environments on the intercultural communication competence of engineers. Engineering students at Chinese higher education institutions were invited to participate, and 990 students (510 males and 480 females) from different school types, majors, and grades completed an online survey. After analyses with multivariate linear regression and structural equation modelling, the results show that different dimensions of AI learning environments – including personalized learning, use of technology, and cooperation and interaction – have significant positive impacts on engineers’ intercultural communication competence and learning adaptability. At the same time, learning adaptability plays a mediating role between AI learning environments and intercultural communication competence. This study suggests that AI learning environments may have the potential to (i) enhance engineers’ intercultural communication competence and learning adaptability, an (ii) indirectly improve engineers’ intercultural communication competence through enhancements in their learning adaptability.
期刊簡介:Interactive Learning Environments隸屬於澳大利亞開放與遠程學習協會🐡🫁,發表有關設計和互動學習環境應用的文章,重點關註知識共享、自適應系統、教學法等。期刊發文範圍涵蓋交互式學習環境設計和使用的各個方面,包括單個學習者的環境🤨,以及學習者群體或同事之間協作的環境。該期刊已被Scopus、SSCI🍛、PsycINFO、Australian Research Council (ARC) Ranked Journal List等數據庫收錄。
數字化外語教學團隊由1名教授🍷、3名副教授、1名高級實驗師及2名講師組成。團隊依托外語數字化實踐及研究中心,積極對接相關企業和社區實現外語賦能,加強課程數字化建設。團隊近年來承擔上海市教育科學研究項目2項⤴️,教育部產學合作協同育人項目5項🙌🏽,企業委托科研項目30余項,在《外語教學與研究》《外語界》《外國語文》《Studies In Educational Evaluation》等國內外學術期刊發表多篇高水平論文,並有論文被人大復印資料全文轉載🤽🏿。